Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Diamante poems

                           bright                                            wasteful
        developing                          wasting                                    using
  lightbulb             computer
                        research                            game
               playing                         studying                              watching
                                   fun                                    exciting

Monday, August 6, 2012

                               Kony, how can we arrest him?

  Until now, there was thousand, millions of wars and battles. Because of that, astronomical number of people was dead. War happens because of few wrong peoples. Almost all people hate war. But why are there so many people fighting in the battle? It is because they are forced to do it against punishment. So, it is a forced labor. Most of the soldiers are adults. But there are few bad people who make children to fight. One of them, and the world most bad person is Joseph Kony.

  Joseph Kony is working in Uganda, which is a country in Africa. Most people think Uganda is actually a safe country because they don't know about Kony. But I think Kony is the Africa most serious problem. Kony kinnapes many children and make them fight against their own family. One of the characters, which is Jacob saw his brother dying. I would not be this much angry when he uses adults. But he makes children a soldier and almost his slave. 

  How can we stop him? 

Because of thier hard work, Obama agreed sending military to Uganda. 20 powerful people, 12 goverment people will help them. In 12 government people , thier is Ban Gi Mun, which is the UN president. Also, the vedio is offering us money. They know that we has less moneys, so we can give them a little money lots of time. I wish in 2013, Joseph Kony will be in jail.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

                                           Ode to Japan                                               
   In Three kingdom period, there was Go gu reu, Beck jeu, Sin la. And there was Japan next to it. In that time, Japan people's life was bad and dangerous. They didn't knew how to eat meat with fire.  They didn't knew how to ride horse and they had no language. 
   Japan king knew that and asked Three kingdom to help him. The Three kingdom taught Chinese language, how to eat meat with fire, how to make boat, and how to make paper and many things. 
   Because of that Japan became stronger. But they thought now they are stronger than the Three kingdoms and attacked Sin la. Then Go Gu Reu's mighty king camed to help Sin la. He swaped Japanese and got promise from Japan that they will not attack the Three Kingdom.
   After that Japan was quiet. In the period of Goreu, Japanese came again but we won again. But again, in 1592, Japan attacked Korea one more time! This time the situations got different. Japan military had guns from west people. In few days they got the capital of Joe sun, and few days later, Joe sun had almost no land. But, the citizens went up. They just made a military and fought with Japan. They didn't had good weapons but they new the topography of the country very well. In the citizen military there was high people to low people and there was even a general. Many riches send large amount of money to the military. They usually attacked Japan's food transportation. The most famous one is the 'Red cloth general, Kuack Jae Woo. He made the first citizen military. 
   Also, Joe Sun's naval forces did a fantastic thing. First, Japan's plan was attack by land military and their naval forces were going to give food supplies.
But our Joe sun's naval forces that didn't work. In the middle of our naval forces, there was a general named Lee Sun Shin. Before there was a war. He knew that Japan will attack Joe Sun. He made many kinds of canons and weapon. The most powerful one was the 'Turtle Ship'. It is shaped like a turtle. In it's above, there is spears to defence Japanese coming over the ship. Also it was made by metal, so it ciuld crash hundreds of wooden Japan boat. Further more, it can shoot canons to any where. Fire came out of the turtle's head. It was terror for Japanese.
   By their fighting, Joe sun got rid of Japanese in our land. This war, we actually won but the damage we got, was bigger than Japan.
   In 1910, there was the worst thing that was happened by Japan. We became the colony of Japan. It lasted for 35 years. This time, Japan got the new technology from U.S.A and attacked us. Now the situations were 180 degree different. We was so weak to fight against Japan. We threw few bombs to the Japan's King but it all failed and it made damages to only other people.
   In 1945, U.S.A threw nuclear bomb to Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. By this , Japan surendered and Korea became a country again. It was a bit sad because in that time, Korea's military was ready to attack Japan. The nuclear bomb exploded few days earlier than our battle time.
   Now, Korea and Japan has a little bad emotions, but we are living friendly. I hate Japan, but I think because of Japan, Korea could be more stronger. The thing I am very mad about Korea is that they didn't punish people who worked under Japan. Right now it nay dosen't matter, but in the future, when the same thing happens, there could act same. I think the most important thing is that our country has to be stronger!

Monday, July 30, 2012

                                    Three things about me 

 First, my favorite animal is ant. I think ants are very similar to humans. Ants started to do farming way before humans. Ants are formed by Queen ant- Male ant- Working ant. The surprising thing is that working ants are 100% females! The most popular farming in ant world is mushroom farming.

 Second, I had never went to another country. I even didn't went to a travel or a camp even to Japan or China. I think we don't have to go to another country when we are young.
 Third, my favorite sports is soccer. When we do soccer, we can destroy stress and it is fun. My favorite player is Xavier Hernández i Creus.

Friday, July 27, 2012

My name is Ryan Kim. My favorite sports is baseball and I am a fan of Kia Tigers. My fovorite player is Yoon Seuk Min. Let's make a happy blog~.